Thursday 23 May 2013

My New Skincare Regime

So recently, I discovered Caroline Hirons' blog - and it has utterly and completely changed my life. As you all know, I've always struggled with my skin - its oily and spotty, although after a course of roaccutane I can't really say that I have acne anymore. I also can't say that I look after my skin. I ALWAYS remove my make up but as for cleansing, toning and moisturising - I've never had a solid routine. Until now.

Reading Caroline's blog has put everything into perspective. What she says just seems to make sense to me and she truly gives her honest opinion. So this is my new regime...

  • Remove my make up with MAC cleanse off oil - gets everything off and doesn't contain mineral oil (read the blog to know what the implications of this are).
  • Cleanse my skin to make sure that the skin is actually clean! I've been using Ren clear calm clay cleanser - targeted to oily, blemish prone skin but Caroline also endorses it for any skin type.
  • I am now a double toner! I firstly use Claris gentle exfoliating toner - an acidic toner which helps to exfoliate your skin and prep the surface for make up! 
  • I then use the Clarins Iris toner which is targeted to oily skins - this obviously helps to control oils and all the problems that come with oily skins, such as large pores etc.
  • Pepta-bright is the next step. It's by indeed labs and is available from boots. It claims to fade dark spots or imperfections on the skin. Overall its effect is to brighten the skin and help to keep in hydration from your moisturiser - resulting in an overall more radiant look. I use this to fade some acne scarring on my cheeks. I've not used it for long but have already noticed a difference! 
  • As I'm now in my 20s, I've decided to use an eye cream. Partly to prevent saggy eyes, partly because it was on 3 for 2 in boots! I use the eyesilix eye cream - again by indeed labs. Not to blow my own trumpet but I don't really have anything for this to correct. I'm hoping to prevent obviously. 
  • I then use the hydra quench lotion from Clarins as my moisturiser and final step. Unless my skin is really oily and then I use La Roche Posay's effaclar MAT moisturiser, which obviously, mattes the skin! 
This might sound like a lot but honestly only takes me 5 minutes in the morning. In the morning I leave out the cleanse off oil step as I obviously don't have any make up on. This is just what I do and may not be right for you. There are also plenty of cheaper alternatives to the products that I'm using and Caroline explains all of this in her blog. It's definitely a must read!! 

As a little introduction you can also watch the video that Caroline did with Sam and Nic from Pixiwoo - on Body Talk Daily on YouTube. It really is fab! Remember that without good skin you cannot have good make up! If you spend your money on your skin care the you can buy less expensive make up because your skin will always look fabulous. That's my opinion anyway, but why don't you try it for yourselves! 

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